Episode 60

CEO of ManageFlitter
19 May 2015 0 Comments
00:00:00 00:53:21
With co-hosts Nic Barker and Chelcie Plowright.

This week in the news:

We interview:
  • Kevin Garber - CEO ManageFlitter - TechCrunch Disrupt New York 2015 Wrap-up

    Companies referenced in the interview include:

    Relevancy Data: Relevancy Data links online video content with relevant real-time ads using advanced recognition technology.

    Pangea: PANGEA enables mobile internet access without a data connection or WiFi.

    Nucleus Scientific: Nucleus Scientific's technology can charge certain off-the-shelf smart phones from 1% to 99% in as fast as a few minutes.

    Nikola Technology: Nikola Technology efficiently converts RF signals like Wi-Fi and Bluetooth into DC power - use the smartphone's emitted energy to recharge itself.

    Naked Filter:  A portable water filtration bottle that removes impurities including bacteria.

    VimoFit: Wearable that automatically identifies and tracks the exercise activity.

    PageCloud: Innovative web editor making updating web pages easy.

    BioBots: High resolution desktop 3D bioprinter that builds functional three dimensional living tissue. 

Podcast Host:
Nic Barker
Former Product Lead at ManageFlitter
Podcast Co-Host:
Chelcie Plowright
Former Account Manager at ManageFlitter